Friday, May 20, 2011

History of blue sapphires and some data on sapphire rings

Sapphires are found in different shapes, sizes and colors. They are found everywhere in the world, but with a difference in worldwide geological area, which are made of different materials. According to estimates, it is known that more than 90 percent of the sapphires are heat treated. These sapphires are heat treated, as it adds to the value of sapphire. They are also treated by irradiation. Today, people also began to like sapphire rings. Everyone is not running behind a diamond ring or a ruby ??ring. Sapphire rings and beautiful area with a nice cut that adds to the charm of any person who wears it.

As the word sapphire comes to mind, it sounds a bit magical and has a mystery behind it. Sapphire rings are usually blue, but also in different colors like green, orange, pink, yellow, purple and violet. There are also a sapphire rings that change color when exposed to sunlight. In the eighteenth century a blue gemstone was known as a hyacinth, which is a blue flower. But today, the sapphire is generally known as corundum. This gemstone was popular in the Middle Ages. Clergy added blue sapphire rings because the color blue represents the sky. Magos to feel they can have control of the minds with the help of blue sapphire ring. General people felt that the blue ring will maintain the tiffany necklaces and pendants condition and those bad things about them.
Sapphire rings and sapphire jewelry covers have been popular in the history of its origin. Everyone loved the blue gem and the blue represents the calm, serenity, confidence and reliability. The British have a lasting love with blue sapphire rings. One example is the sapphire ring given by Prince Charles and Lady Diana as a token of love. Even in parts of American museums can find many types of sapphires on the screen.

There are more than 24 countries / economies that produce a blue sapphire, but the best are only three places in the world. These three places are Sri Lanka, Burma and Kashmir. One of the best blue sapphires is in Kashmir. The place is known for its serene beauty to the Himalayas and beautiful rivers. In Burma, the well produced blue sapphire is darker in shade, while found in Sri Lanka is a little softer. Sapphire is produced in Sri Lanka a little brighter and lighter than those produced in Burma. This sapphire blue sapphire is known as Ceylon, this is because Sri Lanka was formerly known as Ceylon.

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