Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What goes up must come down

You are young and your life is A-ok. You live with your boyfriend and the two of you have plans for marriage. You both have good jobs with decent pay. They even talked about children already, but you're not in a hurry. Soon you can buy a house together, and this afternoon, your girlfriend wants to go to town to look at engagement rings. While an investment, but hey, she is the love of your life.

10 years later

You're still pretty young and have little to complain about. Your job is not as fun as it was before, but wages have not. Your wife works part-time for two days. It is not easy and that he would like to Tiffany & Co spend more time with your little daughter. day care center for children costs a lot of money. He plans to stop working altogether. You can still survive, even if it means cutting costs significantly.

20 Years Later

You are getting a little older. You have two sons who love you dearly, but are time and attention. His wife is always busy taking care of children and home. In work not going so well and have been looking for another job for a while. You also need a higher income because money is more regularly and that is absolutely certain credit and loans. The home environment is not exactly improving, his wife is stubborn about things you can not buy, and even on how many beers you drink.

30 years later

Looking for a job. Since her divorce, it is difficult to comply with what you get Social Security. The apartment living is not so bad inside, but is in a very poor neighborhood in decline. The only thing that makes you happy are the days they spend with their children, but wear out. You're still on good terms with his ex-wife, but that's it. It will be years before it finally be debt free.

40 years after

Looking for a job. Because your divorce is difficult to make ends meet, what you get social security. The apartment we live in is not so bad inside, but it's a really bad neighborhood decline. The only thing that makes you happy is the day to spend with your child, even though in reality they consume. Are you still talking terms with your ex-wife, but that's about it. E 'years before they can finally be debt-free.

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