Friday, April 29, 2011

Menopause and depression

Twice as many women are affected by depression than men with an increased risk of depression in women who have reached maturity. Menopause appears to be a period where women are more susceptible to depression. Studies have shown that menopause and depression occurs more frequently during the transition to menopause. Is remarkable in this period there is a gradual decline in estrogen levels, which studies have shown changes in estrogen levels may be attributed to depression.

The symptoms of menopause and depression are two or more weeks, where there is a loss of interest in pleasurable activities, sleep changes, loss of energy and fatigue, difficulty concentrating, changes in eating, mood swings, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, suicidal thoughts, restlessness and irritability. Many women think that these symptoms are part of aging, these symptoms should not be mistaken for normal adults.

Untreated depression is dangerous and can lead to more severe depression and possible physical problems. Some examples, depression has been linked to increased risk of heart attacks and studies have shown that depression due to a loss of bone density that increases the risk of women to suffer bone fractures.

Fortunately, depression is very treatable. Depression affects the thought patterns in people and can cause a person to believe that their condition is incurable and causes a feeling of hopelessness. Through tiffany uk store locator achieving this kind of thinking pattern to improve treatment. There are several types of treatment available for depression.

Medications to treat women with menopause and depression can be very effective, with the newer antidepressants available are much more tolerable than the older antidepressants.

For women with studies of menopause and depression have shown that hormone replacement therapy using estrogen that may help in the early stages of menopause. However, the estrogen used as an antidepressant has not been tested.

The therapy has proved very successful in the treatment of women with menopause and depression. Combination therapy with medications can be very effective in the treatment too. Medications can alleviate symptoms of depression and give time to the individual for therapy to help change your thought patterns.

Other types of treatment can involve the use of herbs and dietary supplements. Women should be sure to ask your doctor aware of what they are using. This type of treatment is not controlled and there has been no known studies that have tried this type of treatment has no effect on menopause and depression.

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